Creative Thoughts

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Scrapbooking Gettysburg 2

I was trying to make a mosaic layout, but I didn't do a very good job cutting the templates, LOL! I'm going to do journalling in the circle in the middle, I think. There would usually be a photo there. These are cut from store-printed photos, so it was hard to make them 'fit.' I think it would be easier to use photos you've printed from your computer. Then you could maneuver them and make them the right size.
That weird picture on the left, that is just under the picture of the big house, is part of a gnarled old tree on the field of Picket's Charge. My son took that one. It was the only photo I could finagle to fit in that spot, LOL!
The two guys in the bottom left photo are my husband and Doc, standing near the site of the first shot fired at Gettysburg. Doc and L/D said it took them a really long time to find the marker for this, as it is well-hidden between the bushes.
Later today, or tomorrow, I hope to finish a better mosaic layout! This time I used a ruler and will have better templates. Plus, I'm going to use photos I've downloaded from my digital camera (or is it uploaded? I never knew one from the other). The next version should look much nicer!


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